Friday, November 29, 2019
3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons
3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons 3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons 3 More Sentences with Unnecessary Semicolons By Mark Nichol 1. Some new entrants probably need to have a deeper focus on security and privacy than they have; not least because it is only a matter of time before they, too, are regulated more closely. A semicolon is required to separate the two halves of a sentence only when both clauses are independent, but the second clause is dependent- it doesnââ¬â¢t have a subject, such as in ââ¬Å"This is because it is . . . .â⬠: ââ¬Å"Some new entrants probably need to have a deeper focus on security and privacy than they have, not least because it is only a matter of time before they, too, are regulated more closely. 2. Infrastructure can include the following: a common risk language and other frameworks; knowledge sharing to identify best practices; common training; and integration of risk responses with business plans. In this sentence, the four items are simple, in that none of them are themselves complicated by internal punctuation, so a series of commas is sufficient to structure the organization of the list: ââ¬Å"Infrastructure can include the following: a common risk language and other frameworks, knowledge sharing to identify best practices, common training, and integration of risk responses with business plans.â⬠3. We can assist with the design and implementation of the mortgage-servicing requirements by providing project-management support and structure; documenting processes and identifying opportunities to address inefficiencies; and developing new and/or enhancing existing policies, procedures, monitoring programs, key metrics, and training. In this sentence, the final list item (ââ¬Å"beginning with ââ¬Å"and developingâ⬠) has internal punctuation, which would normally signal the need for more robust punctuation between the items. However, because each item begins with a distinct verb, the structure of the sentence is clear, so commas suffice to separate them: ââ¬Å"We can assist with the design and implementation of the mortgage-servicing requirements by providing project-management support and structure, documenting processes and identifying opportunities to address inefficiencies, and developing new and/or enhancing existing policies, procedures, monitoring programs, key metrics, and training.â⬠(It also helps that the complex item is the last one in the sentence.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Redundant Phrases to AvoidBest Websites to Learn EnglishThe 7 Types of Possessive Case
Monday, November 25, 2019
Censor the Internet essays
Censor the Internet essays The freedom of speech that was possible on the Internet could now be subjected to governmental approvals. For example, China is attempting to res5trict political expression, in the name of security and social stability. It requires users of the Internet and e-mail to register, so that they can monitor their activities (Gates). In the United Kingdom, state secrets and personal attacks are off limits on the Internet. Laws are strict and the government is extremely interested in regulating the Internet with respect to these issues (Gates). Laws intended for other types of communication will not necessarily apply in this group. Through all the components of the Internet it becomes easy to transfer material that particular governments might find objectionably. However, all of these ways of communicating on the Internet make up a large and vast system. For inspectors to monitor every e-mail, every article in every Newsgroup, every webpage, every IRC channel, every Gopher site, and every FTP site would be near impossible. Besides taking as extraordinary amount of time and money, attempts to censor the Internet violate freedom of speech, a right that is included in democratic constitutions and international laws (Silencing the Net...). It would be a breach of the First Amendment. The Constitution of the united States of America Declares that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to asse3mble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances" (Constitution). Therefore it would be unconstitutional for any sort of censorship to occur on the Internet. Even though it is illegal, restrictions on Internet access and content are increasing worldwide under all forms of government. In France, a country where the press generally has a large amount of freedom, the Inter...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
EASTERN FOODS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
EASTERN FOODS - Essay Example This project aims at presenting an outline indicating the way forward for the eastern foods expansion plan in the United Kingdom. The concept of human resources is significant within any given business. It basically concerns the welfare of employees in the organization as well the manner the employees interact with one another towards the realization of the businessââ¬â¢s goals. Various challenges are deemed to face the eastern foods business in line with the management of human resources. The issue of culture is an issue that presents challenges to many organizations. The human resource team of eastern foods will have to take the initiative of ensuring that diverse aspects within the organization are well controlled. Other critical challenges that the eastern foods will have to address in the management of human resources include; developing a plan for staff recruitment, ensuring coordination of staff, developing ways of training its employees and motivating them to work towards the targeted business goals. Accounting is another crucial feature of organizational structure that the company will have to address. ... Another very important challenge in line with accounting is financial reporting. This basically involves the presentation of financial reports such as financial statements at the end of a specified time. Financial reporting will pose a challenge to the business necessitating the need for the management team to ensure that it develops ways of fostering better ways of keeping records. Financial reports provide very crucial information in regards to the performance of the business hence they are used in facilitation of decision making process in the organization. These challenges shall aid in the developing of an organizational structure by the management on how to carry out financial management. Marketing relates to all activities that aid in creating awareness about a business and promoting sales. Marketers make a business and its products to be well known to customers. For the eastern foods business there are some challenges in line marketing that will assist the management team of e astern foods to have an idea on how to structure their marketing strategies they include; ensuring high customer service standard, ensuring that queries and complaints presented by customers are well handled and developing ways for the diversification of the businessââ¬â¢s marketing campaigns (Pollan 2009, p.65). Another crucial challenge in line with marketing involves the issue of finances. Marketing activities especially when a new business is being developed in a hew region cost quite high. Operations management involves activities that involve dealing inventory issue in the business in this case the challenges related to operational management include; developing ways of order supplies, ensuring organization
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Moral, ethical and legal issue surrounding cell phones Research Paper
Moral, ethical and legal issue surrounding cell phones - Research Paper Example Recent researches have shown that cell phones have given rise to many ethical problems related to exchange of adult material resulting in sexting, child and adult pornography. In addition to that, there are also studies supporting the notion that cell phones usage has serious consequences during driving. Many countries and states have devised several laws which prohibit exchange of nude/ semi-naked material and use of cell phone for bullying, harassment, and cell phone useââ¬â¢ during driving however a policy model is required which would keep ensure the use of cell phone for unethical activities. With the use of cell phones comes moral responsibility of information rights, property rights and obligations, accountability and control, system quality and quality of life. Due to excessive use of cell phones, one of the fundamental moral comprises arise from invasion of privacy. It is a right of every individual to be free from surveillance or interference from individuals, organizations and state and have complete control over information regarding him. In U.S., individual privacy is protected by various laws such as First Amendment (freedom of speech), Fourth Amendment (unreasonable search and seizure), Additional federal statues (e.g. Privacy Act of 1974) etc (Lauden & Traver, 2012). There is an extensive research performed on cell phones and ethical issues arising out of it. Other than breach of privacy, forced intimacy, inane conversations, inappropriate timings of usage, and disregard for immediate others are some of the major issues considered as violation of etiquettes (J ohnson, 2003). Other than the basic ethical dilemmas mentioned above, another area which requires immediate attention is the use of cell phones for the purpose of exchanging pornography, sexting, sex-oriented tele-conversation and adult pornography. Most of ethical issues
Monday, November 18, 2019
Models of Judicial Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Models of Judicial Review - Assignment Example Additionally, it also involves reviewing an administrative regulation to attain consistency for measuring the effectiveness of a Constitution, statute, or a treaty. Consequently, under the US Constitution, the judicial review lacks explicit powers of reviewing any of the above provisions. Instead, in the US, the judicial review operates through making of inferences of provisions, structure, and history guiding the Constitution. It implies that in a diffuse model, common procedural rules evaluate the constitutionality guiding administrative measures and statutes (Elliot, 2001). Likewise, decisions are mainly within inter parties from the highest to the lowest courts. In other words, most court decisions are deemed retroactive as a rule if there is an unconstitutionality of statutes and this is accompanied with consequences. According to legal experts, the diffuse model of judicial review finds applicability in most countries because of its flexibility and fluidity when approaching sen sitive matters touching on the Constitution. Diffuse model of judicial review differs with the concentrated model of review in varying patterns as interpreted by the law. For example, while diffuse model originates from America, its counterpart is largely Austrian or Europeans (Forsyth, 2000). Similarly, while the concentrated model reviews the constitutionality of statues mostly found in special proceedings, diffuse model is general and is specifically concerned with administrative measures. Contrastingly, unlike the concentrated model that is less widespread because of its limited review functions, the diffuse model is more widespread because it tackles several reviews of the constitutionality. However, both explore the constitutionality of treaties and laws in their respective countries of application. Constitutional review falls into four broad categories of systems. There is the American or diffuse model that uses common
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Developing a Healthy Relationship after Abusive Relationship
Developing a Healthy Relationship after Abusive Relationship The available evidence in this review suggested that in (2003), it was projected 1.3 million females in the U. S. were targets of offensive relations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2003; National Institute of Justice, 2005; Tjaden Thoennes, 2000). Sources indicate that psychological health specialists play a serious part in the curative procedure after being in domestic violence relationships (Bryant, 2013). Based on this analysis, the examiner suggested that psychological health specialists must be prepared and experienced to move maltreated females from being sufferers to fighters learning to live a life without aggression (Graham-Bermann et al., 2009). For example, close contact occurs when individuals share significance or co-create appreciation, and can establish their behaviors to echo their combined significance (Blow, 2009). Blow, (2009) proposed that strong domestic affiliation support systems are significant to uphold ones mind. Taylor, (2016) proposed that communal backing is connected to excellent health and happiness in that it can be comprehended as being both precautionary and beneficial. The collected works demonstrates that surviving is a significant perception in accepting the connection between (IPV) occurrence and psychological wellbeing (Calvete et al., 2010; Krause et al., 2010; Lee, Pomeroy, Bohman, 2009). Current collected works shows that managing does not only affect the IPV, but also effects IPV fighters psychological wellbeing (Calvete et al., 2008; Krause et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2007; Clements Sawhney, 2000; Kocot Goodman, 2003). Many people wedged by DV (Humphreys, 2003) have been able to become strong and unwavering conducts in the face of very demanding surroundings (Linley Joseph, 2004), according to pliability investigations. As Per Warner (2004), he noted that struggling can be a kind of direction to help women as in resilience to help create a new free from aggression life story. The goal of this research is to listen to the females verbiage about their occurrences acquiring a wholesome connection. This research falls into the Capella program of research under the category of advocacy across the lifespan. The findings from this study can be used to advocate for battered women for more direct service, and intervention that can be recognized to help intimate partner or domestic violence survivors. Women survivors of abusive relationships learning to develop healthy relationships. SECTION 1.2 The examination collected works show that rates of (IPV) are above normal, and rates of individuals looking for help for their problems are below average (Flemming, 2016). Brosi, 2004; Hays et al., (2010) suggested that the available evidence seems to inform us that women that are being abused obtain various pressures such as developing self-assurance in a new relationship, surely it be with a male or female friends, or with a new counselor. What we do realize is that by directing DV fighters in assisting them to deal with their previous situation by joining treatment approaches to better help them comprehend the method, and occurrences of maltreated females. It will assist them to acquire other abilities, and viewpoints about themselves, and their establishing a locale for them to grow (Paulina, 2015). We understand that sufferers of forceful attacks may encounter disruptions in confidence and/or self-competence, as well as anxiety/evasion, emotional constriction, and sensual dysfunction (Koss, 2000). We also realize that Self-efficacy (Bandura, 1977; 1982) in abused females have a tendency to be important to females willingness for change. Also, Tirone, (2014) proposed that empowerment in an planning of getting unique provisions, and feelings of self-efficacy, can assist females in noticing more the assessment of their unmannerly association. Presently, lack of research exists that may help to explain how some female survivors succeed after being through the turmoil of domestic violence while other women struggle with getting out of the relationship (Lerne, 2008). Though numerous examiners are predisposed to explore the undesireable results of forceful associations, a small number have acknowledged how this knowledge might have interested the crucial optimistic alteration or development (Young, 2007). According to Allen Wozniak, (2010) what seems to be missing in the investigation is the sympathetic method of what happens after a person exits an unmannerly association, and in what approach they develop a harmless, non-forceful, and eloquent existence. According to McDonald, (2013) states what is seems to be overlooking is on the outcome of times that has gone by of agression or mistreatment has on other parts of females lives, such as associations, their vision of themself and how they monitor their lives or additional years after parting. (Section 2.1) Women survivors of abusive relationships learning to develop healthy relationships. DV against females is characterized as Intimate partner violence (IPV) which is both a human privileges matter and is an importance of general security concern that (IPV) is the most devastating sort of sexual emphasis based unkindness (Fagan, 2010). The 2013 Global Burden of Disease Study assesses that 30% of women age 15 or over have come across a bodily or sexual (IPV) for the length of their lives (Owusu et al., 2016). The IPV, adds to numerous unfavorable dealings for the sufferer such as despair, disrubtive behavior, feelings that there is nothing to live for especially in females, nervousness, low sense of worth, incapabile to confide in others, especially in persomal associations, fear of intimacy, and signs of post-traumatic stress disorder (Bergen, 1996; Roberts, Klein, and Fisher, 2003). Cognitive Trauma therapy for Battered Women according to Kubany, Hill,Owens,2008) reported that the treatment of (CTTBW) is considered to use for women who have PTSD linked to IVP ,and that are no longer involved with the abuse partner. Survivors of domestic abuse have a history of maltreatment, and are frequently out of touch with their needs that are powerless to express, and are unable to ask for their needs to be met. Existing studies shows that therapists that treat individuals of DV is their duty to confirm that they are empathetic of the abuse dynamic forces and the impression of the long-term negative effects these have on the survivor (Sanderson,2009). Supporting evidence have showed that women who have experienced IPV pull on from different protective resources to develop resilience (Perez et al.,2012). For, instance, among certain womens spirituality has been known as an important protective portion for them who have experienced abuse. Furthermore, Gillette, De la Rosa, (2010). Proposed that positive religious coping has a connection with positive mental health, including greater happiness, quality of liveliness, and psychological well-being Avele at all., 2006; Lee, 2007; Harris et al., 2008). Linley Joseph (2004) reported that resilience studies showed that for some individuals in any which way of ongoing, highly stressful environments, generally those impacted by domestic violence can get into heathy and stable behaviors. Bearing in mind with couples treatment in (IVP) the crucial voices and ends should do with (1) aquiring ideas of positive and agression-free associations (2) evaluating love, compromise, and wedded contentment; (3) learning to develop faith and re-establishing well-being (Stith et al., 2005); and (4) the use of a met discussion, i.e., discussion among the therapists in the direction of the couple (Cooper Vetere, 2005; Stith et al., 2005). Coker et al (2009) suggested that around half of DV get into proper services, mainly crisis hotlines, emergency DV shelters, and community-based programs which offer services from safety planning, counseling, and peer support groups to job search support and housing assistance. Sanders, (2010) reported that once the survivor rejoin they can commence the renew of their lives in the direction they are in control of. Furthermore, as they feel more associated they will begin to start new friendships, increased social support relationships in the knowledge that can set healthy boundaries against future abuse or manipulation. Prior examinations has founded that women fighters of DV have connected resiliency effects that have allowed them to overthrow the undesireable effects of domestic violence. (Vanbreada, 2001; young 2007; Weiner, Wilson 2009). For instance, a few studies have suggested that some associations among defensive influences in the procedure of pliability, such as using treatment will intensify the control to enlarge the social assistance system (Senter Caldwell, 2002; Smith, 2003). (Section 2.2) How do women survivors who have been in an abusive relationship describes their experiences of developing a healthy relationship with a male partner? Define Terms: Women fighters are females who have produced a selection to be conscious from being easy targets. Representatives of individual change who are more in control of their lifetimes (Mercy, 2001). Unmannerly relations (Mercy, Zwi, and Lozano, 2002) defined as heartlessness as they consider explanation behind physical pressure or control, crippled, against oneself, another individual, or against a social affair or gathering, that has a high likelihood of achieving harm, demise, mental harm, maldevelopment or hardship (p. 5). Healthy relationship definitions. Honesty -When a dating companion that lies, it demands time to build that trust in him or her. Honesty builds trust and strengthens the relationship (Debnam, 2014). Respect implies that every individual value who the other is comprehends the other individuals limits (Debnam, 2014). Self-Confidence -When dating partners have trust in themselves, it can support their associations with others. It demonstrates they are quiet and appropriately friendly to permit others to express their beliefs without compelling their own sentiments on them (Debnam, 2014). Section 2.3 The aim of this qualitative research study is to answer the research question: How women survivors who have been in an abusive relationship describes their experiences of developing a healthy relationship with a male partner. Within this study, the research will address how the female fighters who have been in an unmannerly associations explains their occurrences of developing a healthy association with a male companion. By doing so the present study will demonstrate how these adult females will learn how to healthy relationships. As, per Buchlinder Eric, (2005) suggested that mental health professionals are to help women move toward an insightful position regarding the impact of their psychological emotional, verbal abuse in their lifetimes. By empowering women and reinforcing to them that it is not their fault, dismissing the insult, and granting them the tools to help themselves can be part of the answer to this social and wellness issues (Carretta, 2008). Section 2.4 The qualitative research will be given to the phenomenology approach because it was developed in psychology, and it will intend to explore the world live experience of people (Creswell, 2013). The qualitative research is a kind of review to considering an individual familiarity, connections, and conduct patterns. It follows to explain, and translate the style of an individuals conduct, and incentive (Bursztyn, 2016). Consequently, this examination will assume, and define the women survivors of DVs understandings of the inquiries partakers in a detailed setting, and document information from partakers in their own languages (Ponterotto, 2005). Creswell, (2013) reported that phenomenology describes the effect of life experiences for people holding an actual phenomenon or notion. Furthermore, the phenomenology is the scientific study of the presence of things, of phenomena just as researchers examine them in their knowledge, and does not worry itself with issues of fact, but seeks to uncover meanings of the phenomena being considered (Creswell, 2013). The phenomenological study offers the way for people to talk about their experiences in their own terminology (Creswell, 2009; Patton, 2002). The experience from the women survivors of abusive relationships establishing healthy relationships will be discovered from their own spokespeople. The aim of the phenomenological study is to achieve information that provides a point of view on how a collection of individuals undergo the experiences of a phenomena or idea (Creswell, 2009). However, IPA originates from the phenomenological tradition, and the focus of research is therefore on investigating topics or objects as they are represented in and perceived by the participant Iversen, 2012. Smith Osborn, (2003) suggested that the using the descriptive IPA is to examine how individuals make significance of their private realm, and has its phenomenology, hermeneutics, and ideography. Moustakas, (2006) suggested that existed understanding is not something that can be calculated or measured and many instances a phenomenological investigator has curiosity or motives for wanting to study the lived knowledge (Creswell, 2013). Section 3.1 The latest examination will add to the methodical by comprising the female fighters of DVs familiarity to womens feminist theory in that it will shed light on the style in which ladies and men have been associated in the United States (Hunnicutt, 2009). The DV field is the foundation of womens rights, and liberation. The focal example of intermediation was women fighters helping other fighters (Berry, 2002; Wilson, 1997). Melzer, (2002) suggested that the noteworthy idea of feminist theory is to stack the lack of sexual category struggles and its reviews of their knowledges, awareness, and communal gatherings of mature females. The feminists understanding of encouragement of females is as the most effective way to deal with man to woman violence behavior (Forgey, 2006). This present study will add to the scientific information base of addressing and recognizing the familiarities of female survivors who have been in a rude association telling their history of developing healthy relationships by applying empowerment-building models which are suitable and very much needed in the social and behavioral science field intervention with disempowered females who are sufferers and fighters of DV. Section 3.3 The applied insinuations of this research will help with distributions of services, for example research proposes the significance of service delivery upholding its feminist gender-based model, as it creates better results for women (Abrahams Bruns, 1998; Goodman Epstein, 2008; Weisz, 1999; Zweig Burt, 2006, 2007). The stakeholders that will be absorbed in the examination info regarding female fighters who have been in an unmannerly association explain their occurrences of developing healthy associations. studies have shown better results from the feminist gender based model. The feminist gender-based model accepts that battered females are intellectual gifted females who need a harmless place to live while working on refining their condition and gaining from plans offered by their shelter if they choose (Lehrner Allen, 2009). The outcomes from this study will benefit stakeholders by adding to the knowledge base and advance study. The examination outcomes will be suitable for pro gram campaigners, communal essential resources, and politicians to raise funds, and bring awareness for more services. Section 4.1 The phenomenology examines the independencies lived settings, and everyone has their exact practicality; realism is individual (Creswell, 2013). Phenomenology focus on the inner core of experience. Likewise, it seeks individuals who are willing to express feelings, and experiences (Creswell,2013). The phenomenological style is positioned in a model of individual learning and bias, and focus the individual point of view, and interpretation (VanScoy, 2015). The phenomenology approach agrees for analyzing information in an investigation of women who been in an abusive relationship describing their experiences in growing sound relationships. As per Wertz, (2005) recommended that the phenomenological attitude needs to be empathic as such the researcher strives to give his or her own world behind and join through the written description, into the situations of the participants. Van Scoy, (2015) further proposed that IPA provides an additional approach to research wanting to implement a phenomenological approach. It is like other phenomenological approach in its basic point on understanding experiences from the members view. Though, its sole focus is on the individuals experiences of a phenomenon The IPA continue from a purposive homogeneous model and is the most common data collection technique using semi-structured interview Smith, (2016). The key system used in this study to collect data in IPA studies is semi-structured consultations (Smith et al., 2009, p. 56). Brocki and Wearden (2006) proposed that some disimiliar tactics are infrequently used, for instance, journals, field notes, and email consultations (pp. 92-94); in any case, the distinctive greater part of IPA research depend on data from in-person consultations. The choice to use the semi-organized consultation as the only foundation of information for the assessment mirrors (IPAs) value of the members conversion of the occurrence under review. As Smith, et al. (2009) clarified, members ought to have been allowed a chance to recount their stories, to talk openly and brilliantly, and to build up their thoughts and express their worries at some length (p. 5). IPA consultations emphasize on a preparation of specific reviews yet to take into thought flexibility in adopting up on answers mentioned in reactions to the given inquiries. Smith et al. (2009) prepared six to ten open-finished questions that include a variety of sorts: account, illustrative, basic, differentiate, evaluative, round, and similar (p. 58). How women survivors who have been in an abusive relationship describes their experiences of developing healthy relationship Characteristics: The larger population from which the sample will be drawn are from women from different cultural backgrounds . The area where this research will take place is in the Bronx, New York. The sample for this study will be selected from the population of diverse ages females coming from different backgrounds ages 27-60 who identify as survivors of domestic violence. The phenomenological sampling works well when the individual studied represents people who have perceived with the same phenomenon (Creswell, 2013, page 155). The sampling design: The testing strategy utilize will be nonprobability sampling. Non-probability practices any sampling technique which the chance of a person being chosen into the sample that is unknown (Creswell, 2013). The sampling strategy utilize will be nonprobability sampling, and the performance is purposive. As such this sampling has a purpose in mind in that there is something close to the possibility participations you want to know about (Creswell, 2013). This design is of useS for this research since it entails an understanding to the process of women healing after being in an abusive relationship. Likewise, the purposive sampling tactics are well-thought-out to increase the apprehension of the chosen individuals or group experiences and the role of advancing their thoughts, and ideas (Creswell, 2013). Population is women ages between 27 to 60. Inclusion criteria Females ages from 30 to 60 years old. Gender diversity Exclusion Criteria Potential participants that have been in healthy relationship for at least 4 years prior to the research.Has been diagnosed with a mental health issue. Section 4.3 Creswell, (2015) highlighted that one must first get approval from university or college institutional as well as individuals at the research site. Then the study will be within groups participating in therapy for (DV) and through social media advertising to women in healthy relationships, with the approval and permission of the administration staff and on a voluntary basis. Legerski Bunnell, (2010) noted that confidentiality plays a major part in protecting individuals in the research procedure. Informed consent written will converse confidentially about the research, and the protection of the research participants. All interview data collected will be coded statistically, and no names will be recorded to protect confidentiality. Research electronic data will be stored on a translated drive and any paper documents will be secured in a locked file cabinet at the researchers site. The data will be saved for several years. The drive will be destroyed, and the paper documents will be shredded. Moreover, making sure all the participants are protected throughout this inquiry. The Belmont Report will be adhering to protect all the participants by using the following ethical principles e, (a) respect for persons, (b) beneficence, and (c) justice. Respect for persons requires recognition that people are autonomous agents and that those who may have reduced autonomy must be protected. Beneficence requires that researchers do no harm, while make the most of the possible benefits and minimizing possible harms. The rule of justice indicates that people should be treated equally (Goodie, 2013). The following description will be talking about protecting the research participants involve in this arena as a necessity to ensure every one of the members in this study will be ensured by applying the moral standards as per the (Economic and Social Research Council rules 2006). Protecting human participants with informed consent at the start of the research, therefore, all the participants involved will be handed to them an inform consent that will talk about confidentiality before the inquiry commences. Also, participants are told the conditions they will encounter, and are given the freedom to accept or decline participation (IIgen, 2001). Therefore, the informedconsent process will be handmade to address each individual need in the research, and differences to help ensure thSat they are protected Sas well as the researcher in this study. Lastly from the beginning of the study researchers at no time when collecting consent forms for this study should leave. Likewise, researcher should not force participants to sign the inform consent (Creswell, 2014). Section.5.1 First, the research staff will need to assemble a team to create an outreach support social media site such as Facebook, and or twitter where they can connect with our staff. The research team can also create pamphlets flyers with the researchers contact information as well as a schedule of conference call or Skype times to be placed at local hospitals, clinics, librarys adult section, and school offices. Second, once the researcher establishes a clientele list the researcher should negotiate a local location where the researcher can meet with individuals for a face to face setting where the researcher will give the client the proper materials to sign advising the information given may be subjected to research teams for further use in studies. Once the researcher gets approval from the administrator of the social media site, and manager of the location that they will use for one on one interview the researcher should submit those letters of approval to Capella for review. Creswell, (2015), states that qualitative research involves the work of a research site (s), and gaining permission to read the site in a manner that will enable the easy accumulation of data. Recruitment: Recruitment will be done by phone contact from individuals responding to flyers that were distributed, and from repliers on the social media websites. Flyers would have already been distributed; social websites would have already been created, and left open for anyone to join if they met the criteria. Also, the location to be used for interviews should be added to all distribution whether by flyer or social media sites. Once participants reach out to our researchers screening process will begin. Screening questions: Are you between ages 27 60 Have you been in a stable relationship within the last 4 years Potential participants can contact the researcher by phone or email. This information is listed on all recruitment documents. The researcher will collect the name, phone number and email addresses of the potential research participants when they respond to flyer or any social media site discussed above. (Section 5.2) Steps to obtain data information collected will lead off by setting up a scheduled one on one consultation either in the office, and or in a local group therapy office to gather the necessary information to begin the research study. The researcher will contact the potential participants by phone or email the contact information they provided to schedule the interview and discuss interview details. In the meantime, when all the participants have been screened interview scheduling will get going for those who fulfill the prerequisites. Prior to accumulating the necessary information, a signed consent form should be reviewed then signed by the participant with the clear understanding that all the information collected may, and will be reviewed by other qualified members or professionals to help resolve any participants issues. The participants will then be given the location of the interview. Each participant will be interviewed separately, so that secrecy can be maintained. One hour semi-structured interviews will be scheduled. (Section 5.3) How women survivors who have been in an abusive relationship describes their experiences of developing healthy relationship Gathering these descriptions can be worked in several ways, of which face-to-face interviews are the most common. The face to face interview will be taken place local therapy officewith permission of the IRB, and the administrative staff . The rationality behind these questions is to try to get the individual to try to explain their feelings of overcoming their past experiences to help them cope, and allow them to move on with their lives and the hope of beginning new and successful relationships. Do you think it would be difficult to start a new relationship after having been in an abusive relationship? In what ways? Rational- To get a better understanding how she is dealing with her trust issues. Since your last relationship, how would you describe any difficulties you have had in trying to begin a new relationship ? Rational- What has gone well. Can you describe what is like when you interact with a male in a social environment who interest you? Rational- The rationale behind this question if she is ready to establish a solid relationship. Describe for me the process youve experienced in building a new relationship with a male after dealing with all the emotional, verbal, and or physical abused you endured in a previous relationship? Rational The rationale behind this question to understand is trust is a major issue. What would be the warning signs, and what steps would you take if you ever found yourself in an abusive relationship again? Rational- To be able to understand if she has evaluated how she wants things to be different in her life, and if she has awareness of how an abusive relationship may begin in small ways. How would you describe a healthy relationship you feel you now have, or would hope to have in the future? Rationale: To be able to recognize if she is aware of the signs of being in a healthy relationship. (Section.5.4) The qualitative research step by step guide to data analysis. Creswell, (2013) highlighted that the data is sensitive of the qualitative analysis, and are generated by interviews as the participants talk about and think along the phenomenon from their subjective views. Wertz, F.J. (2005) endorsed that the phenomenological analysis starts by focusing on the situations preceding to trying general knowledge. This researcher will utilize as per Smith, Osborn, (2007) a step by step approach sketched of the (IPA) in this study. First, during the interview the researcher will be asked questions, listening, and recording the research participant. The following step by step by (Smith, Osborn 2007). First the (IPA) phenomenological researcher can listen and transcribe verbal descriptions and interviews. Read the complete transcription to understand the general the process Continue to read the transcription using the left margin to the note any interesting or noteworthy things the co-researcher alleged Read again the transcription again, using the right margin to begin to organize evolving themes Join the themes by looking at links between them; gathering on a separate sheet. Associate on bunching the original transcript to guarantee correct wording Generate grouped themes to create superordinate themes and link in key words and page numbers of transcripts. Overall finish the same process with all transcriptions of co-researchers. One could notify other transcripts of the superordinate list from the first transcript. Finally generate column of superordinate themes. Researcher then arranges and reduces data to focus on themes. Lastly, translate themes into a narrative write up; explaining and showing them by quotations. (Section 5.5) This scholar has not had any previous data collection or research experience, but has learned about research through the research courses for the masters course of study human behavior. As such the qualitative phenomenological method, will be studied to develop skills as a qualitative researcher. This scholar has not had any previous data collection or research experience, but has learned about research through the research courses for the masters course of study human behavior. As such the qualitative phenomenological method, will be studied to develop skills as a qualitative researcher. In the past I have discussed the issues of domestic violence with friends who have experienced this problem in their own relationships, in some situations, I have noticed that certain instances have been rather serious, and I had to recommend that they sought out legal services to help to rectify their problems. In my own personal life during my teen years I have been known to choose the wrong type of male to become associated with. In my opinion I felt like that was due to not having a father figure in my life to guide me when i
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Chinese Revolution Essay -- essays research papers
As many other countries around the world China has its long history of a struggle for equality and prosperity against tyrants and dictatorships. The establishment of Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China in 1949 seemed to have put an end to that struggle for a better life. ââ¬Å"The Chinese people have stood up!â⬠declared Mao Tse-tung, the chairman of Chinaââ¬â¢s Communist Party (CPP) ââ¬â a leading political force in the country for the time. The people were defined as a coalition of four social classes: the workers, the peasants, the petite bourgeoisie and the national-capitalists. The four classes were to be led buy the CPP, as the leader of the working class. For the first time in decades a new Chinese government was met with peace and hope, instead of massive violent opposition, within its territory. The government and its political force, the CPP, were expected to fulfill century long dream of the Chinese people for ââ¬Å"reason, liberty, progress and democracy.â⬠The government promised to bring about a string of swift political and economical reforms that would dramatically improve life of every Chinese citizen within the life span of one generation. A promise of a vast land reform that would give long-awaited land to millions of peasant families won their support for the new government. At that time the partyââ¬â¢s members of peasant origin accounted for nearly 90 percent. The Chinese intellectuals supported the communists for their promise to establish a variety of democratic institutions that ...
Monday, November 11, 2019
China and India: the Challenge and Opportunity
Sources: Capell, Kerry. ââ¬Å"IKEA: How The Swedish Retailer Became A Global Cult Brandâ⬠. BusinessWeek. 14 Nov. 2005: 96-106. Ikea. com CASE 2 CHINA AND INDIA: THE CHALLENGE AND OPPORTUNITY OVERVIEW China and India are the two nations that will transform the global economy as we now know it. China has state-of-the-art manufacturing and India is boosting its competitive edge through innovation hubs. While the United States is deciding if ââ¬Å"Chindiaâ⬠is a threat or an opportunity the massive low wage, highly educated, and forward thinking work force is transforming these two poor nations into global powerhouses.Yet, all is not perfect. While governments and business pour mass amounts of investments into the countries there are huge obstacles to continued growth. There are social, political, and environmental challenges. Important is keeping growth at a steady pace that will eliminate the unemployment lines. Pollution and environmental challenges, political backlash, de bt and currency crises, inadequate medical care, threats of epidemics, and war are continuing challenges. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1.Discuss the innovation implications for the leading developed nations concerning Chinaââ¬â¢s and Indiaââ¬â¢s rapidly escalating capabilities. 2. Examine the collaboration potential and hurdles of greater collaboration between China and India regarding innovation and other commercial ventures. 3. What are the potential market opportunities for developed nations in China and India? 4. Evaluate the evolving balance of economic power shift from the west to the east. 5. Discuss the future competitive threats of China and India for industries in developed countries.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Why was there an economic boom in the 1920s Essay Example
Why was there an economic boom in the 1920s Essay Example Why was there an economic boom in the 1920s Paper Why was there an economic boom in the 1920s Paper This essay will investigate why there was an economic boom in the 1920s. It will lead you through the reasons why there was an economic boom and how they were linked to cause the economic boom as a whole. Lady Liberty that stands proudly in New York says, Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door. After the war, this was Americas statement to the world. It told people everywhere that if they were unsatisfied with life they could come to America, the Land of Opportunity, for a better life. This statement caused millions of immigrants to horde over to America. They became the fuel America needed for its boom by working to improve Americas economy. Without the immigrants there would not be enough people to push this boom of the 1920s forward. Americas growing population was encouraged to work hard by the Republican presidents of the time. They introduced the policy of Laissez-Faire which was basically the Republican presidents, specifically Coolidge, Harding and Hoover, leaving the economy to run without government interference. The state did not meddle with business, and in addition, there were low taxes on income and profit so that the American population could retain their money and invest it back into American goods, strengthening the economy. However, the Republican presidents had put a large tax onto foreign goods, making American goods much cheaper so that Americans, and the rest of the world, would buy them. After the World War ended in 1918, America had come out on top. Lots of countries, mainly from Europe had been buying huge amounts of goods from America to fuel themselves in the War. This meant that whilst all these countries had been devastated, American industry was thriving from all the sales they had made. Americas industry had become the largest in the world and had created a huge European market which kept pouring money into the American economy. The war had strengthened the American economy greatly, along with the plentiful natural resources in America to be used by the industry. The bountiful amounts of money that the American economy had, paved the way for advances in technology. The use of electricity to its full potential was the main advance that boomed many other technological advances. Electricity was in most homes in America and 70 percent had electric lighting. Factories were increasingly being run on electricity and overall the electricity consumption had doubled in the 1920s. This had paved the way for a whole range of domestic goods such as cookers, fridges, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and radios which now were in such a large scale that had never been seen before. Now factories were much more efficient, which contributed to a boom in the transport, construction and advertising industries as well as shopping. A great example of the boom of the 1920s was Henry Ford. He had thought of the assembly line to produce the most successful car ever in mass production. This assembly line brought great efficiency to his car manufacture which meant he could sell it for much cheaper than the competition which made more people buy it so he could make the car even cheaper. Unsurprisingly, Ford got extremely wealthy, but he had also done a great deed for American economy. He had introduced an extremely efficient production technique to America which led to companies trying to improve their efficiency as well. Because of Henry Ford American industry became very efficient and it strengthened the economy. Also very importantly this had boomed many other industries as well. The rubber, glass, and metal industries increased rapidly due to Ford needing the materials for his Model T. The amount of roads doubled which opened up a space for mail order and shopping, causing mass advertising and people becoming richer which created big businesses, which sold more goods increasing the economy. Americas economic boom was carrying on and on. Every boom had created other booms, and this had continued to happen all through the roaring1920s. This had created many new businesses and strengthened current business which in turn created less unemployment, which created a richer population, who then were most likely to reinvest into American goods due to the tax on foreign goods. Confidence in American Economy grew and firms were offering to loan money to the population. This gave more money to Americans which they either spent on goods which strengthened the economy or they invested it into stocks which strengthened the economy also. All of these things contributed in the economy increasing rapidly which in the end produced a self generating economy. This self generating economy had caused American economy to be in a time of great success and all the factors which I have explained during this essay contributed to this Self generating economy.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
SWOT, Porter and PESTEL analysis of HSBC Holdings Plc The WritePass Journal
SWOT, Porter and PESTEL analysis of HSBC Holdings Plc SWOT, Porter and PESTEL analysis of HSBC Holdings Plc IntroductionProfile of companyMacro-Environment AnalysisPOLITICAL ANALYSISECONOMIC ANALYSISSOCIAL ANALYSISTECHNOLOGICAL ANALYSISMicro-Environmental AnalysisThreat of substitutes:Bargaining power of suppliers:Rivalry among current competitors:SWOT AnalysisSTRENGTHS WEAKNESSESOPPORTUNITIESTHREATSCONCLUSIONREFERENCESRelated Introduction The most important intention of the report is to investigate the business environment of HSBC Holdings PLC. HSBC Holdings also is one of the market leaders in todayââ¬â¢s banking world. HSBC head office it can be found at Londonââ¬â¢s Canary Wharf on the HSBC tower. HSBC stands for Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, which was established by a man from Scotland, named Thomas Sutherland, in 1865. The report presents information about the companyââ¬â¢s activities, financial performance and market environment. Going through few major topics will provide investors with reasonable overview. The first part of the main body will primarily focus on the Companyââ¬â¢s Profile and Activities, afterwards the analysis of macro-environment and the micro-environment of the company, evidence of an audit of key competences within the company followed with the recommendations and conclusion. Profile of company HSBC has got over 7.500 offices in 87 countries. It is very widespread and has around 220.000 shareholders in 124 countries and territories. HSBC provides a full range of financial services being Personal Financial Services, Commercial Banking, Corporate Investment Banking and Markets Private Banking. HSBC is mainly operating in Europe, Hong Kong, Asia-pacific region, Australia and America. HSBC is interested in the emerging markets of Asia-Pacific region and is continuously heavily investing in these regions. The major top UK competitors of HSBC are Barclays and Royal Bank of Scotland. Those are the corporations operation of which HSBC carefully investigates and tracks at all times. However HSBC is not a bank that follows the ideas and the management manners of its competitors. HSBC Holdings PLC has shown steady growth in share price over the last five years. This is a clear indicator that a company is worth investing in. HSBC Group also demonstrates constant growth and is a very reliable corporation. These enable us to recommend investing in HSBC because of its growth opportunities and bright profitable prospects. The HSBC banking corporation is on third position in the world in regard to assets ownership. Almost 22% of HSBCââ¬â¢s profits have been derived from Hong Kong, which is a well known operational centre. Known as the worldââ¬â¢s local bank, HSBC has a history of helping millions of customers globally in order to achieve their financial aspirations. They understand the importance and functioning of different markets through their experience in international trade. As a result, HSBC has grown into a company or banking institution that has the deepest respect for different cultures and people connected to these cultures. Their motto is to look at their customers as individuals and strive towards providing them with a personalised service and credit card products that will fit each of their specific needs. Simultaneously, HSBC Group has been trying to build up a good reputation in the US and conquer the markets of HSBC ââ¬â North America, proudly stands one of the top 10 financial services companies in the United States. Its combined team reached more than 53,000 employees works with the common goal of meeting the needs for about 100 million customers. After achieving the goals in US, the company focused on developing countries and is more interested in the emerging markets of Asia-Pacific region and is continuously heavily investing in these regions. Furthermore HSBC is considering moving its head office from London to Hong Kong. Britains greatest bank, warned key shareholders that this was unsatisfying full-year results have made arguments for shifting HSBCs domicile to Hong Kong unsatisfyingâ⬠. The investors have been shocked by the swift gear-change in HSBCs review of its domicile but some others have already told the HSBC that they would sponsor the move. Some other investors said that they understood the move and that the bank had been a change of tone as HSBC reviews its domicile. UKs capital terms for the main banks, now is one of the greatest in the world and according to the Basel terms, is expected to go even higher. Although HSBC refine to the investors that if the terms in Hong Kong is more relaxed requirements, that can cost less and develop more profit by making it the best use of its balance sheet. The loss of HSBCs head office in London, despite the fact that abused for months because of the raise in financia l arrangements, would be a severe blow to the Coalition which, admitting some of its banker criticism is relying on a private-sector-led recovery. However, HSBC supported that it elects to stay in UK and told that an approaching change in its position was entirely hypothetical. Macro-Environment Analysis PEST ANALYSIS à POLITICAL à Government is responsible for protecting the public interest. Political stability affects business decision. Consumer protection. Regulations of business activities. ECONOMIC à Competitor activity. Competition for resources. Savings. Unemployment numbers. SOCIAL Work life balance. Trends in consumer behaviours. Leisure. Lifestyle. TECHNOLOGY Technological arrange is speeding up. Technology develops now products (internet). Improved communication. Internet business. POLITICAL ANALYSIS HSBC banking has been sheltered by the regulations and policies made by different governmentsà à in the countries where they are working. The company has been able to remain to the policies agreed by each government to make sure that the company will be able to accomplish business operation successfully and effectively. HSBC Company also formulates their own defence strategies besides any governmental restrictions and limitations. ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Being one of the worldââ¬â¢s leading and completive businesses in conditions of banking and finance HSBC said to have a secure and successful economic strength. In spite of lots of dangers that they meet in many parts of the world, the management of HSBC make what they need to be able to go beyond such struggles and to have a better economic condition and create a shield against unemployment. SOCIAL ANALYSIS HSBC is being affected by the circumstances of the society in which they are in use. By the side of this HSBC tries harder to make sure that each society is given the same chances to take the benefit of the resources given by the organization. The company adhere to having good name and relations in the society that belong to secure that everything will be customary and under control. TECHNOLOGICAL ANALYSIS The urgent situation of information technology, internet and generally the improvement of technology effects how HSBC has been working in the past years. The company search for different systems and used internet to get to their costumer all over the world and also help them know the latest trends in the global business. Except from these, the company also uses special facilities which help then to advance their productions and operations and also make them to achieve their goal. Technological breakthroughs can create new industries which might prove a danger to presented organizations. To summarise PEST analysis looks at the business strategies to understand the environment that the company is working and also to take the advantages and benefits to minimize the threats and the dangers for the business. Micro-Environmental Analysis Porterââ¬â¢s Five Forces Potential entrants HSBC has many threats from Tesco, Sainsburyââ¬â¢s and a large number of other markets consider to enter into banking industry as a result of high profits that the specific kind of industry offers. Large super-markets in UK seek to enter without considering that those threats sometimes breakdown organisations such as HSBC. Although, HSBC received several threats from the market, they were still able to create high standards for the competition. Strong branding images are used from HSBC, so the company will not result in loss of customers. Bargaining power of customers An organisation created a value which has affected the occupation from one of the two important forces customersââ¬â¢ power. The role of this force contains the customers concentration along with the size. In other words, HSBC managed their customers as a result of allowing the company to gain customer loyalty. The strategy that was used by HSBC allows them to have a chance becoming a world leader in banking industry. Threat of substitutes: Another significant threat that HSBC faces is that competitors provide new products and services. This threat gives the opportunity to the company to work hard as a result of being sustain to its position. HSBCââ¬â¢s strategy focuses on the four different customersââ¬â¢ sections. Bargaining power of suppliers: Customer power mirrors to supplier power. This force focus on two important points. The first one is the significant size and concentration of suppliers and the second one the differentiation in the materials being supplied. HSBC use the strategy of charging markets with different prices according to differences of the price of each buyer. Rivalry among current competitors: There have many rivals in the banking and financial sectors. HSBC used efficient strategies to ensure its leadership position in the market among rivalries. Moreover, due to the capabilities of other rival companies, HSBC develops strategic plans to confirm that they are permanently being the first choice of their customers in banking industries. Nowadays, as we cross the mountain of financial crisis, a number of banks went to liquidation SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS à International Finance. Record Profits. Listed in London. China. WEAKNESSES Poor Performance. Brand Name. OPPORTUNITIES Growth on emerging economies. Biggest Bank in Middle East. Low mortgages interest rates. THREATS Moving back to China. New Regulations. Fewer Revenues from the integration of financial markets. STRENGTHS International Finance Since HSBC is a global companyà itselfà is well qualifiedà to advise other companies on aspects of international business. With officesà around the world, for the international client HSBCà often cannot be defeated in this area. HSBC knows how to succeed in Mergers and Acquisitions (Mà à E) andà theà organicà and the effective development. Record Profits Last year, HSBC experienced the most profits ever for a UK high street bank. HSBC have revealed their profits more than doubled in 2010 to à £10 billion with every region in the black for the first time since 2006. Listed in London HSBC is listed primarily in London and Hong Kong stock exchanges, which saves the company a lot of grief in complying with new U.S. legislation Sarbanes-Oxley law. Many companies have chosen to list on foreign stock exchanges, except America, because of expensive new regulations. China HSBC has 140 years of experience in China. Since China is the place to be today for companies and banks, HSBC benefits for being so old Chinese company and accepted by the Chinese people. The best news for HSBC is that, like other companies grow in China, it does too. The reason this happens is that it wins new customers and new global opportunities with each passing day. The HSBC has the largest network of any foreign bank in China and deeply understands the Chinese market and the customer. In a world that is increasingly going the way of China, this is quite a boon to HSBC. WEAKNESSES Poor Performance There is a poorà performance in the section ofà personal finance services. HSBC try to fix these problem years ago. But the problem is there every year. Brand Name While it is certainly a global company, HSBC came late in the game to decide to execute a comprehensive marketing strategy and take advantage of the global brand. Because he had created so many different banks in different countries at different times over a period of one hundred years, which set them up with different names Hong Kong Bank of Canada, the British Bank of the Middle East, etc. Not even all of these banks prior to 1998, bore the logo of HSBC. In 1998, they were all branded together, but the previous lack of branding and name changes can damage the HSBC brand recognition. Customers may have thought that HSBC was responsible local bank and did not realize that HSBC had already serving for decades. OPPORTUNITIES Growth on emerging economies Apart from the growing Chinese middle class Brazilians and Indians have begun to appear as consumer culture, and thus increases wasteful consumers. Some residents of those countries in the past does not even own a bank account, but companies such as HSBC is ready to move in and benefit from the growing middle class in these areas. In places like Argentina and Turkey, HSBC experienced pre-tax profits by 50% in the past years. This is where it grows more. Biggest Bank in the Middle East The other banks are removed from the Middle East. However, HSBC has been running regional activities at the local level and have been rewarded for his efforts with numerous awards and honours for the Middle East market. HSBC is a trusted name there, and the company benefited from new democracy in Iraq by establishing a presence in the country. HSBC is the largest international bank in the Middle East. Low Mortgages Interest Rates The low mortgage interest rate increases the revenues and marketââ¬â¢s shares. HSBC has made some records on this. THREATS Moving Back to China The banking colossal HSBC has been most explicit threat yet that it might move its headquarters from London because of the narrowing regulatory noose. New Regulations The investors of HSBC have been warned that future profitability will be affected by the new global policies designed to make the sector of financial more secure, but smoothed the blow with the promise of increasing dividends. CONCLUSION To conclude we would like to state that HSBC Group is in constant search of further development and its key data of latest yearââ¬â¢s financial performance proved that they are succeeding in their aims, as the company is showing increase in almost all aspects of its business. It has shown steady growth in total profits in all most important regions of operation. It has also achieved large earnings per share increase over the last five years. The company has recently made a successful growth in the Middle-East region and expects continuous growth in profits from that region. In Asia all business segments exceeded and also contributed to overall function of the HSBC Group. From our point of view, in a company that has reached such huge size and success, there is not much that can be improved, considering their financial performance. It is worth mentioning, that HSBC Group should give more attention to the rapidly developing internet banking system. The information presented in this report is enough to make the final decision and as far as we are concerned it is good and reliable company to invest in. Immediate huge profits should not be expected, but it is a perfect long-term investment. HSBC Group has around 220.000 shareholders in over 124 countries and this only adds to its reputation and proves its trustworthiness. REFERENCES HSBC (2011) ââ¬ËAbout HSBCââ¬â¢, HSBC website, [10/03/11] BBC (2011) ââ¬ËNews Businessââ¬â¢, BBC website, [12/03/11] Thomson Reuters (2011) ââ¬ËUPDATE 1-HSBC considering move to Hong Kong reportââ¬â¢, Thomson Reuters website, [13/03/11] Louise Armitstead (2011), ââ¬ËHSBC reveals plans to quit London for Hong Kongââ¬â¢, Telegraph website, [13/03/11] Hoovers (2011), ââ¬ËHSBC Holdings Plcââ¬Ë, Hoovers website, [18/03/11] HSBC (2011), ââ¬ËNewsroomââ¬â¢, HSBC website, [17/03/11] HSBC (2011), ââ¬ËGroup Membersââ¬â¢, HSBC website, [18/03/11] Thomson Reuters (2011), ââ¬ËHSBC Holdings PLC (HBC) Company Profileââ¬â¢, Thomson Reuters website, [19/03/11] Alex Morales (2011), ââ¬ËNewsââ¬â¢, Bloomberg website,à [20/03/11]
Monday, November 4, 2019
History Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
History Paper - Essay Example Generally, the language is very easy and imparts full meaning of the excerpt. However, there is one place where the excerpt reads, ââ¬Å"we oppose the greater conception -- the moral orderâ⬠(Roosevelt) is a bit difficult to understand. Nevertheless, the statements that follow make it clear. In my judgment, assertions which provide important and valuable insights and guidance for governing societies and nations today are the first and the fourth freedom. In the present age, certain nations are invading others because the former are more powerful than the latter. People whose countries are being invaded are denied the right to speak for their rights. They are not powerful enough technologically or geographically to fight for their rights. This has resulted into a state of fear for such countries. Thus, in order to become a free and governing society in the present age, it is important to be free of the freedom of fear and to have the freedom to speak. The third freedom i.e. the freedom from want is literally unachievable in the context of the present age which is basically an age of consumers. People respect those who have more buying power and who are greater consumers. The basic need to consume originates in want and if people get freedom from want, this finishes every thing. On the other hand, it is really not possible to make people free from want in any case as want is the fundamental sign of life. As we live, we need things. Our worldly needs only come to an end when we die. From this perspective, saying that we want to be free from want is illogical. In fact, the freedom from want is no longer relevant in the 21st century in which want and consumption is the epicenter of worldââ¬â¢s business and economic growth. Also, the freedom of practicing religion is already there to a large extent in the 21st century. In a vast majority of the countries around the world, people are free to practice their religion irrespective of whether they are a
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Investment in Education in United Arab Emirates Research Paper
Investment in Education in United Arab Emirates - Research Paper Example As for some more practical applications of investment in education, it would be profitable in terms of increase of professionalsââ¬â¢ rates in UAE. The development of education multiplies professional opportunities for young people and helps them to become specialists in what they want to do. This means that when young people understand that all the spheres of studying are developed enough and could provide them with educational opportunities and career perspectives, they do not even consider other countries as their educational options. In addition, investment in education keeps labor rates in stable positions (Jorgenson &Fraumeni 1989). The phenomenon of brain drain often happens because young people do not see any educational perspectives for further staying in their own country, so they move to another country in order to get a better education in their chosen realm. Then they become professionals in what they do and get hired on some well-paid positions in foreign countries, so they decide not to come back. I believe this problem also exist in UAE because many talented young people move to other countries, which would not be happening if UAE education had a better financial support. If UAE education receives more funds and starts developing rapidly, the country will attract many young people from every part of the world who would be glad to obtain a high-quality education in UAE. This would be profitable for both the countryââ¬â¢s international image and an increase of intellectual and professional cadres.
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